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3 Things To Check To Place The Best Tenant In Your Orangeburg Rental Home

3 Things To Check To Place The Best Tenant In Your Orangeburg Rental Home

When you are trying to find a tenant for your Orangeburg rental home. It is important to determine if they are qualified. This is no short task and you may need the services of a licensed property management company. Edisto Property Management Group can help you find tenants, place tenants, and collect rent for your Orangeburg rental property. Below is a few things that Edisto Property Management Group checks in order to find the best tenant possible.  

  1.  Criminal Background Check

    • Many people can have a criminal history from traffic incidents or minor offenses. This is generally not an issue with potentially renting a property. Violent criminal history may be something to review further. Speaking with the prospective tenant about the offense can always help determine if they would be a qualified tenant. 

  2. Eviction History Check

    • A rule of thumb, is if a tenant has an eviction on their history, they may have a delinquent past with finances. People can always change, so question what led to an eviction. This is a great way to see if the eviction was just a season in somebody's life that could be looked past. Edisto Property Management Group believes having a constructive talk with prospective tenants can help determine if a past eviction can be looked past. 

  3. Income Check

    • If you are vetting a tenant to move-in your Orangeburg home, you may want to verify the income is correctly stated. Asking the prospective tenant to provide proof of income is essential. Some prospective tenants may have retirement income, pensions, on top of earned income from a present job.
